I was referred by How did you hear about the clinic?
Primary Insurance Information:
Secondary Insurance Information:
Please list your chief symptoms in order of decreasing severity, starting with the worst one. Please note how long each symptom has been present:
Describe your injury and pain: Pain level on scale of 1-10 (10 is excruciating pain)
Are you exposed to 2nd hand smoke?
How many drinks currently per week? (1 drink=5 oz. wine, 12 oz. beer, and/or 1.5 oz. spirits)
I am allergic to the following medications:
I am allergic to the following foods or supplements:
Please list your symptoms/reactions to the above medications and/or foods:
Medications: Please list any medications that you are currently taking or have taken in the last month, including antibiotics, non-prescription drugs, and prescription drugs.
Supplements: List all vitamins, minerals, and other nutritional supplements that you are currently taking.
Have you ever had any of the following Illnesses?
Check the box if yes and provide number.
Menstrual History:
I certify that I'm the patient or legal guardian listed above. I have read/understand the included information and certify it to be true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I consent to the collection and use of the above information to Pathway to Wellness. I authorize Pathway to Wellness and its staff to examine and treat my condition as the practitioners see fit. I hereby authorize Pathway to Wellness to release all information necessary to any insurance company, attorney, or adjuster for the purpose of claim reimbursement of charges incurred by me. I grant the use of my signed statement of authorization with my signature for required insurance submissions. I understand and agree that all services rendered to me will be charged to me, and I'm responsible for timely payment of such services. Verifying insurance benefits does not guarantee payment from my insurance company. I understand and agree that health/accident insurance policies are an arrangement between an insurance carrier and myself. I understand that there is a 72-business hour cancellation policy for new patient and consultation appointments. Failure to comply with the cancellation policy may result in additional charges. A $25 fee will be applied to all NSF checks. By clicking the submit button below, I agree to the financial policy described above and will adhere to all of its practices. Please email this completed form to By typing or signing your name below on the signature line, you are agreeing to all of the paragraph above.